It is crucial to mention that we comprehend the DMCA and perform all the actions concerning it very cautiously. If we have used any content that is yours or your organization, please consider this as a mistake on our side. Please be assured that appropriate measures will be to ensure that such incidences do not happen in the future. When the authenticity of the content has been confirmed, you are assured quick removal of the content from this site within three working days.

The DMCA is an Act that aims at preventing individuals from copying and publishing copyright contents belonging to other people on the internet.

The relevant legislation only applies to sites that the owner cannot specify who contributed each piece of the content or that is a site for uploading and publishing content.

We have the policy to reply any notice of infringement and to act according to the received data.

This Digital Millennium Copyright Act policy applies to the “” Service (“Service”, “Website”, “Application”) and all related products & services (collectively, “Products & Services)” and describes how this Websites’ operator (“Operator”, “we”, “us”, “our”) responds to copyright infringement notices, and how you (“you”, “your”) can submit a Copyright Infringement Notice.

Proprietary rights to the intellectual property of our website and all its content are protected and the same request is made to all of our users and any person legally acting on their behalf. Our stance is to promptly terminate flagrant users who provide a clear notice of infringement of any copyrighted materials defined under the US DMCA of 1998 whose full details are located on the web page of the US Copyright Office.

Before filing a complaint to the copyright holder, the following factors have to be put into consideration.

Please remember that if you are not exactly sure whether the material that you are referring to is violating, then it is more advisable that you consult an attorney before submitting a notification to us.

According to the DMCA you need to provide your details in the notification of copyright infringement. All in all, if you have any concern on the privacy matters of your personal details.

Notifications of infringement

If you are a copyright owner or an agent of an owner of any copyrights, and you have any information concerning infringement by any person using the Services, then you may send us a written notification following the requirements of the DMCA. Each of the said Notifications should be according to DMCA guidelines.

A DMCA complaint is the initiation of a legal procedure that has been laid down beforehand. It will be checked for the appropriateness, relevancy, and comprehensiveness of the complaint filed to the company. If your complaint meets the following requirements our reply might involve the deletion or the restriction of access to the potentially infringing content.

If we suspend or delete content or cancel an account in response to a Notification of alleged infringement, we will try to inform the affected user of the suspension’s or deletion’s or the cancellation’s details.

Without prejudice to any provision to the contrary contained in any part of this Policy, the Operator shall be within its discretion to take no action with regards to a DMCA copyright infringement notice if the same does not meet all the DMCA requirements pertaining to such notifications.

As stated in this Policy, the process does not prejudice the Company’s right to seek any other legal redress for instances of suspected infringement.

Changes and amendments

It is our right to amend this Policy or the terms of the Website and Services at any time as per our choice. When we do, we will place an announcement on the Homepage of the Website, and or, by email to notify you. Other possible forms of notice to you we may deliver at our discretion, to the contact information listed in the present document.

Certain provisions of this Policy may be revised from time to time and an updated version of this Policy will be in force starting from the date of posting the changes unless otherwise provided herein. You will be informed of any change in the Policy and your use of the Website and Services after the date then specified will be deemed your agreement to those changes.

Reporting copyright infringement

If you intend to report to us the infringing material or activity, you are welcome to do so through the Contact us form.